Passions of the Night

A balance of warmth and cold

with a crystal glare in our eyes

locked in each other's stern gaze

coupled with our interfacing bodies

that simultaneously moves to match

the fire lit in our bossom

Our lips reddens to engage

igniting resurgent flames

that ripples with thundering pleasure

before our minds can find words

to cascade the unfathomable emotional surge

spiraling from our souls to

intertwining our hearts

such a magnificent mechanism for intimacy

All through the night

my arms will wrap around your curves

gently brushing along it contour lines

and draw you into my innermost chamber

to merge our spirit and soul

and align our temples

All through the night

We'll burn the sweetest incense to Aphrodite

I'll draw out Cupid's arrow

and lodge it over his Bow beneath you

let's shoot our love into the sky

and let the moon witness our night's passion

Kobby Sage©

Passions of the Night Passions of the Night Reviewed by Kobby Sage on September 11, 2023 Rating: 5

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Kobby Sage