Awaited Passion



In the dark pines, the wind disentangles itself

The moon glows like cubic zirconia on the vagrant waters

My heart goes chasing my lover among the wind.

Tracing the dots of true love

The presence of my lover seems close to me.

To recognize the majestic and sober voice of true love 

I wait all night and day, dawn and dusk 

With my love glowing like a diamond in the midst of black pearls

I hear the voice of my lover, resounding from the depths of my heart

As the stars revolve around planets, so will my heart be all about you 

My lover is with me, yes! very close to me.

And I will wait for you, my king.


The wait is now over, my golden flower

In the darkest of places my love will not cower

I will take you to the highest point of pleasure's tower

Just as light slowly illuminates darkness

You calm my aggression with your tenderness

Your kisses overflow with rushing elixirs of love springs

that it purges my soul of yestertide's pain

And for almost ever if it meant anything, it wasn't in vain


Never in vain will my love not rain on you.

With every bit of shade,  your banner over me was love

Refreshing me with apples from the branch of your love tree for I am lovesick

in the secret place of the cliff,  your sweet fragrance awakens me from my sleep 

to take  me on a passionate trip down memory lane I continue to keep

Your warm arms I fall deeply asleep with flashes and dreams of us 

You have encased my heart at the highest point of your castle

How much better than wine is your love and the scent of your words than all spices 

My life becomes even much sweeter  by your utterances and caresses


Life seems to make more sense with you by my side

Even when I am tired of it and run back home to hide

You always encouraged and told me that I tried

I ran out there with the courage to turn the tides

And it works like magic beyond many strides

You show me the balance between business and pleasure

That's why I see no other maiden worthy to be my bride

You stand at the summit of my heart in all I call treasure

My love for you flows incessantly, I hope you get the picture


I get it all along with the frame and portrait

I could ask for nothing more than you standing straight

My heart abhors anything that wants me to always hate

My love laid in wait for you at the right time to stimulate

To describe love, there are not many words I can pick to articulate

I prayed for a man and you came as a blessing

I didn't anticipate a man whose mind is so interesting

A wide and patient heart that is so warm and intriguing

Many waters cannot quench my passion nor drown my love for you. 

A king have I made you over my heart, rule and take dominion 

Under your authority do I serve and commit in love, my sire 

My love for you is as strong as the pillars of marble set on bases of fine gold.





Awaited Passion Awaited Passion Reviewed by Kobby Sage on February 13, 2022 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Such a beautiful piece. The part that got me was "I prayed for a man and you came as a blessing" beautiful😍.


Kobby Sage